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What is Reiki?

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

In my work as a reiki practitioner, every single day is a masterclass in energy: how it flows, how we change it, how we stop it, what we store in it, and how we can use it to heal. Everyone holds memories, pains, joys, and self-beliefs in their energy field. This energy is present in all things, and a trained reiki practitioner can just turn on a tap of this energy like you would turn on the sink. When I flow "chi" or universal life force energy into someone's energetic body, I can see where the flow is blocked or slowed. How? Honestly, I have no idea. But I can "see" it, almost as if I put dye in your veins and am looking through an x-ray machine. Every day I see how the energy that flows through someone’s body affects their chakras and energy signature (our own authentic energetic frequency, true freedom of self), causing physical and/or emotional imbalances. Through the simple, non-invasive practice of reiki, I am able to help these individuals release these blockages and restore balance to their mind, body, and spirit. It is a beautiful and transformative process.

At Eden Farm, we have been developing a model that uses reiki and energy work as a supportive practice for traditional therapy. After an initial intake session, we typically schedule the client to have a reiki session directly before their scheduled therapy appointment. The insights gained during the reiki session is later discussed and processed with their therapist.

Here is an example of the power of energy work!-

I recently had a client who came to me because of an inability to move forward in his personal life, largely due to fear that resulted from trauma. During his reiki session, there was a blockage in his solar plexus chakra, which I could see had resulted from and was contributing to a lack of confidence and self-esteem. This blockage was put there by the client as a child, as he had to make himself very (energetically) small in order to survive in his household. As I worked to release the blocked energy in that area, he could feel a sense of warmth and relaxation spread throughout his chest. We spoke about how this minimizing of his true energy was necessary when he was a child, but that he is safe now. As I poured energy into the chakra, we talked about the importance of radical self-love and self-acceptance, and he began to speak affirmations over himself. This powerful act of self-love unblocked the chakra and released the stronghold. The energy flow in his solar plexus and neighboring chakras returned to vibrancy. He felt full of peace, happy, and lighter.

Later on the session, we found a blockage (I call them "dark spots") in his lower leg. When I hovered over the area, I could see a repressed memory of a traumatic event at school, involving other students. We talked through that moment in his life, and what he had begun to believe about himself that day. That moment had changed his view of himself, and this internalized self-belief had changed his energy pattern. By talking through it and with the energetic support of reiki, he was able to physically and emotionally release the stronghold that this negative self-belief had over his life.

After his reiki session, he met with his therapist and was able to process the experience further. While he had released the trauma from his energy pattern, we have to remember that pathways in the brain have to be rerouted, and sometimes that takes time. This belief had been a part of his neural network since childhood, so he worked with his therapist on developing practical strategies for building self-esteem and confidence, creating new pathways using the insights gained during the reiki session as a starting point.

We have found that reiki brings up the blockages passively, meaning that I find the issues that want to be dealt with through examining the areas of slowed energy. What comes up is always exactly the thing the client needs, and we are able to pinpoint it without hours of talking and emotional digging. This process emotionally frees the client to address the issues from a bit more distance, and empowers them to release what is holding them back right then and there. We believe that by partnering energy work with traditional therapy, we are decreasing the amount of time and emotional labor required of the client for freedom and healing. After their sessions, our clients leave the farm lighter, connected, grounded, confident, and free.

]It is a joy to see how reiki can complement traditional therapy and support clients in their healing journey. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this process and to witness the transformative power of energy work.

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